Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hijau Daun - Suara (Ku Berharap)

Disini aku masih sendiri
Merenungi hari-hari sepi
Aku tanpamu
Masih tanpamu

Bila esok hari datang lagi
Ku coba untuk hadapi semua ini
Meski tanpamu
meski tanpamu

Bila aku dapat bintang yang berpijar
Mentari yang tenang bersamaku disini
Ku dapat tertawa menangis merenung
Di tempat ini aku bertahan

Suara dengarkanlah aku
Apa kabarnya pujaan hatiku
Aku di sini menunggunya
Masih berharap di dalam hatinya

Suara dengarkanlah aku
Apakah aku slalu dihatinya
Aku di sini menunggunya
Masih berharap di dalam hatinya

Kalau ku masih tetap disini
Ku lewati semua yang terjadi
Aku menunggumu
Aku menunggu

Thursday, November 6, 2008

XYZ; Jogja Never Ending Asia;

Inspired by 3 Magazines Air Asia, here I pronounced:
The XYZ of Jogja Never Ending Asia.

X for eXcitement
Y for Yogyakarta
Z for pleZetan

Come come come ... to the never ending asia city :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Doakan Abi Nak ...

Pagi itu ...

Sini : Assalamualaikum
Sana : Alaykumsalam
Sini : Lagi pada ngapain? anep?
Sana : Barusan mandi pagi. Ntu lagi heboh di ruang tengah.
Sini : Hehe, kangen.
Sana : ... Tau ndak mas, td pagi, bangun tidur, dia teriak-teriak, 'papa papa ...'
Sini : ...
Sana : Padahal baru sehari ndak ketemu abinya.
Sini : Berdoa aja, semoga kita tetep diberi kesabaran yang lebih.
Sana : Aamiin mas, ati2 ya.
Sini : Iya, doakan. Ya wes, Assalamualaikum
Sana : Alaykumsalam
Sini : ... ( Doakan Abi ya nak ...)

... please, let me ...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hidup ini Susah, Jom Susah yang Enak.

Sempena Ramadhan 1429H,

Kalau Sedekah susah, Hidup ndak Sedekah juga susah, lebih baik Hidup Bersedekah.
Kalau Sabar susah, Hidup ndak Sabar juga susah, lebih baik Hidup Bersabar.
Kalau Zakat susah, Hidup ndak Zakat juga susah, lebih baik Hidup Berzakat.
Kalau Nikah susah, Hidup ndak Nikah juga susah, lebih baik Hidup Nikah.
Kalau Gemuk susah, Hidup ndak Gemuk juga susah, lebih baik Hidup Gemuk. ;p

... dan lain sebagainya, silaken lanjutken.

Copied from Geronimo FM this evening.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Amaran Pembinasaan

Pokoknya harus Binasa !!!

(this picture was taken in Malacca Historical Place)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

If by

dedicated to my friend

Jika kau ingin mencinta, pacaranlah.
Jika kau ingin memiliki, menikahlah.
Jika kau tak bisa hidup tanpanya, bersamalah.

be fair my friend :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Chris Brown - With You

Dedicated to My Wife.

I need you boo, (oh)
I gotta see you boo (hey)
And there're hearts all over the world tonight,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight [x2]

Hey! Little mama,
Ooh, you're a stunner
Hot..little figure,
Yes, you're a winner
And I'm so glad to be yours,
You're a class all your own
Oh, little cutie talk to me
I swear..the whole world stops
You're my sweetheart
And I'm so glad that you are mine
You are one of a kind and..

You mean to me
What I mean to you and..
Together baby,
There is nothing we won't do
'cause if I got you,
I don't need money,
I don't need cars,
Girl, you're my heart.

I'm into you,
And girl,
No one else would do,
'cause with every kiss and every hug,
You make me fall in love,
And now I know I can't be the only one,
I bet there heart's all over the world tonight,
With the love of their life who feels..
What I feel when I'm

With you [x5]
With you [x5]

Oh girl!
I don't want nobody else,
Without you, there's no one left then,
You're like Jordans on Saturday,
I gotta have you and I cannot wait now,
Hey! Little shawty,
Say you care for me,
You know I care for you,
You know...that I'll be true,
You know that I won't lie,
You know that I would try,
To be your everything..yeah..

'cause if I got you,
I don't need money,
I don't need cars,
Girl, you're my heart.

With you [x5]
With you [x5]
Yeah Heh..

And I..
Will never try to deny,
that you're my whole life,
'cause if you ever let me go,
I would die..
So I won't front,
I don't need another woman,
I just need your all and nothing,
'cause if I got that,
Then I'll be straight
Baby, you're the best part of my day

I need you boo,
I gotta see you boo
And there're hearts all over the world tonight,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight
Woo Oh.. Yeah
They need it boo,
They gotta see their boo,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight,
Hearts all over the world tonight

With you [x5]
With you [x5]

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pacaran, Belok Kiri !!!

Silakan buat yang mo berduaan, sudah disediakan tempatnya. :p

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Ayo siapa lagi yang mo 'dipohonkan'?

(this picture was taken in Bandar Seri Begawan Square)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

'Genteng Merah'

Dengan saya 'brush' tulisan aselinya, saya yakin, anda masih bisa mengenali nama tempat tersebut. :)
Ah, jadi terkangen angkringan tugu yogyakarta ...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

L(i)Bour Day

Hari ini Libur, Cuti, Holiday.

Ya, Hari Buruh, Labour Day, itulah, yg penting LIBUR.

Sejenak saya teringat ketika pernah membahas ttg 'buruh' dgn kakek saya yg berada di Malang Jawa Timur. Beliau menyatakan 'kekurang-profesional-an' para majikan dan buruh itu sendiri selama ini. Artinya:

Buruh ya buruh, Majikan ya majikan. Jangan pernah sekali-kali melunturkan profesionalisme Buruh-Majikan dengan kata-kata SODARA. Karena pada saat kata ajaib itu keluar dari mulut salah satunya, maka pada saat itulah posisi Buruh-Majikan akan menjadi BLUR.

Majikan wajib melaksanakan kewajibannya sebagai Majikan, dengan memberi upah yg layak sesuai aturan kepada si Buruh. Buruh wajib melaksanakan kewajiban sebagai Buruh, dengan melaksanakan perintah si Majikan selama tidak melanggar aturan. Nah Kalo SODARA, gimana? silakan dipikirkan ...

Buat saya, yg penting hari ini LIBUR. hehehe.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pesan Penting

Dalam upacara pembukaan Wajib Militer di Korea, terucaplah dari komandan:

I have a message for parents,
Please don't come too often to see your sons.

I also have a message for girlfriends,
Don't give them broken hearts while you're separated

They're most depressed when they get broken hearts
Help them commit themselves to the training and send them a letter of friendship.

This message was taken from Spy Girl, Korean Movie.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Welcome My NakedSuSe (OpenSuse,red).

for the rest of my life, it's the very first linux I've ever installed SUCCESSFULLY.
Why OpenSUSE (baca: SusiWudo)? Bcoz of GREEN, hehehehe, that's it.

Setelah mengalami 'gagal install windows original' dan 'kehilangan data' serta perjalanan silaturahim ke kajang dalam rangka 'perbaikan laptop'. Akhirnya pagi ini kuberanikan diri utk menginstall mbak Susi.

Awalnya, setelah menunggu berbulan2 untuk mengoriginalkan kembali A80, saya mencoba merecover A80 menggunakan CD Recovery, ya tepat pendadaran thesis. Ternyata proses recovery saya gagal, karena CDnya dianggap unrecoverable read oleh Optical Drive saya. Dan parahnya, setelah saya cek, partisi saya bablas semua walo tdk sukses terecovery. Huaaa... and PANIC.
Saya cuba call bapak di kajang, lalu beliau sarankan ttg GetDataBack. Daripada malpraktek berkelanjutan, saya putuskan beli tiket ke kajang utk melakukan perbaikan itu. Tp malam hari sebelum pergi, ternyata saya sudah berhasil merecover data saya yang hilang. Sampe di kajang, hehehe, si A80 ndak mau idup, alias mogok kerja. Puas??
Sebagai pelajarannya, saya diajari bagaimana menginstall linux dgn baik dan benar.

Makasih pak, welcome home My SuSe :)
Ijo Ijo Ijo Ijo Ijo Ijo ...

Bapak berpesan: 'Jangan mudah menyerah pada nasib'. Ya, seperti yg disebutkan di dalam (13:11).

Thursday, April 17, 2008

21st Engineering Design eXhibition

Yeah ... perhaps it's just a lucky.
No enough preparation,
No motivation,
No idea,
No hard feeling (hehehe).
Bronze Medal, you deserve it.

To the Gold and Silver ones, Congrats.

ps. My Name is IRVING, not IRVINE.

... Ya Rabb, masukkan hamba kedalam orang2 yang bersyukur ... (14:7)

Friday, April 11, 2008

The...Sis report (baca:Rapot)

from external examiner (Prof. Mohammad Ishak Desa)

In general, it is a good and well written thesis. The research problem addressed is non trivial and practically relevant. Substantial works have been done to address the problem. The thesis contributes to both the body of knowledge as well as to the practice. Based on hypothetical problem scenarios of a survival system, a new recovery model and its solution algorithm have been developed and tested using various case studies through experimental simulation. However, there are areas that need to be improved particularly the problem statement, the review of literature and the formatting of thesis. The statement of the problem was not explicitly expressed and the revies of literature was not geared towards supporting the problem to be addressed, the methodology and the design of the model/solution. The review is more of giving background knowledge and definitions, lack of critical analysis on the weaknesses of existing models and solutions to survivability problems. On the simulation experiments, more discussions and analysis of the various simulation results are required.

from internal examiner (Dr. Baharum B Baharuddin)

The thesis is on the development of a recovery model for survivable system through critical service resource reconfiguration.
Based on the thesis the candidate has shown competency in carrying out independent work and has made critical use of published work and source.
The strength of the thesis lies in the model developent whereby the candidate has given several scenarios and sub-scenarios. I believe that this gives credence to the originality of this work. I am also of the opinion that this thesis is worthy of publication either full or in part.
The weakness of this thesis is generally grammatical in nature and has been noted on the thesis for correction purposes.

Yeah, those were all ... for my 20 months.
and I'am still thinking a say : ' Irving, you're little bit unprofessional and that's why I advise you to take more experience before you take the next degree '.

Ya Rabb, dont let me fall into a suspicion ... (49:12).

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sejenak - by LeTTo

sebelum waktumu terasa terburu
sebelum lelahmu menutup mata
adakah langkahmu terisi ambisi
apakah kalbumu terasa sunyi

luangkanlah sejenak detik dalam hidupmu
berikanlah rindumu pada denting waktu
luangkanlah sejenak detik dalam sibukmu
dan lihatlah warna kemesraan dan cinta

sebelum hidupmu terhalang nafasmu
sesudah nafsumu tak terbelenggu
indahnya membisu tandai yang berlalu
bahasa tubuhmu mengartikan rindu

yang tlah semu.. yang tak semu... dan tak semu...dah itu ...

Ya Rabb, semoga dgn ini hambamu ini mampu mengingatmu dalam tiap jenak ... walo tak mudah.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Me, My Family and Penang Trip (lanjutan)

(23Des2007; Tengah malem; Deket Hotel)
- 'RM40 doang, 7/11 deket, NasGor jg deket'
- 'Iya, NasGornya pake antri 30 menit, laris, enak,murah'
- 'Hehehe, ndak papa, kan laperr'

(24Des2007; Pagi; OutFromHotel)
- 'Jom sarapan, ke pasar sebelah, banyak pilihan jajanannya'
- 'Abis ni jalan2 ke ... keliling Penang: Taman Kupu2, Taman Buah, cari Durian'
- 'Jangan lupa FOTO-FOTO bareng artisssss'

(24Des2007; Siang; SomewhereInPenang)
- 'Udah yuk, Pulang ... ndak dapet durian'
- 'Ntar cari duriannya di Ipoh sj, wakakakaka'

(wuih, selese juga ni postingan, maap deh)

PASSWORD := WORD that might be PASSed

lama ndak login, pengin ... eh malah malu, kalo postingan terakhir masih 'hanging'.
lama ndak login, pengin ... eh heran, kok fotonya ilang ya? (sdh diisi yg baru, barusan).
lama ndak login, pengin ... eh kepikiran blogku yg lain yg lama ndak 'kutengok'.
lama ndak login, pengin ... eh ... malah nongkrongin getux.
lama ndak login, pengin ... eh LUPA PASSWORD !!!!

nasib ... oh nasib ...